A lot of people have asked me why I always carry a scarf or wearing one. It’s just a part of my style that I like to have. It’s more like an individual identity that I have imbibed. Thus, finding the right scarf which has your kind of style, pattern, fabric, and length is of utmost importance.
It helps you create your Scarf Styles.
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The scarf is not just about getting wrapped in it. It’s also about making a style statement or adding that zeal or touch to any of your boring outfit.
In order not to go wrong. Always have at least these two basis scarfs at your disposal, which you can mix-match and create Scarf Styles. You’re ready to make an statement.
Firstly, a big scarp which can be wrapped around in many ways and can never go wrong. For inspiration click here

Scarf Style 1:
This is my personal favorite. Wrap around my neck and the ends of the scarf makes a knot at the bottom to give that flare look. Simple yet stylish, What’s say?

Scarf Style 2:
The simple, can never go out of fashion look with scarf, just wrap around and leave both the ends flowing. Simple and stays the same way for much longer.

Scarf Styles 3:
Just tie both the ends into a small knot and twist the scraf to make two loops to go into your neck. Yuhuu you have a trendy look ready.
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Secondly, a jeweled scarf when combine with a boring dull outfit. Or a casual tee can make your entire attire stand out. Especially useful when all of a sudden an office reunion, sudden dinner outings, someone’s 100th breakup party is planned ;-).

Scarf Style 4:
Just make two loops and wear the Jewel side of the scarf like its a neck piece. Make your boring, plain tee stand out and turn into a party wear.

Scarf Style 5:
The Super hero cape inspired look, wear the scarf like a niece piece and leave the remaining at your back. Simple and fashionable!

Scarf Style 6:
The Banded queen inspired look, make your scarf do a dual purpose of being a Bandana and a neck piece. Simple tricks does the magic
If you’re my kind who finds it difficult in selecting the scarfs. Just subscribe to any of the 4 subscription plan available at getwrapped.in/. Further let them send you trending styles month on month basis. And you are all set to adorn a different Scarf Styles each month and flaunt the fashionable you.
Do let me know what look you would like to adorn?
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